On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 21:04 +0200, Marc Balmer wrote:
> If you think you can step in and help oga and the project, then please
> contact me off-list.  We can accept donations by wire, Visacard and
> Mastercard (creditcard fees are covered by my company).

I am flat ass broke. If you can provide a URL with donation links, I
will ensure that everyone I know stumbles, diggs, reddits, slashdots and
(all the rest of those things) it, which should help replace the laptop.

That really &$(*#& stinks. Hopefully no uncommitted code was on it :(

> I started myself by tossing in CHF 200 (approx $ 200).

As a matter of principle I live in self imposed poverty, but perhaps I
could help a bit. Please create a page.

> (And any excess money would go as a donation to OpenBSD, btw.)

I could give a rat's ass where excess money goes. Anyone who 'donates'
should feel the same way. Helping someone under scrutiny is stupid. The
point is he needs some help, since we can (even without donating), we
should. Since we should we must.


Monkey + Typewriter = Echoreply ( http://echoreply.us )

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