On 2008-06-22, Mihai Popescu B.S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Back in time I switched from -release to -current, but I'm installing
> from snapshots. I saw the announce about uvideo stuff and I am very
> interested about this that's why I installed the most recent snapshot
> for testing. The date of the snapshot is 19-June, I also proceeded to
> install some packages to test the video camera. One package people
> speak about is ekiga. And here is the surprise:  a lot of unexpected
> errors on install using pkg_add: "Can't install <package...>: Can't
> resolve <lib...>.
> Don't bother to tell about relation from kernel and glibc , I waited
> for the packages to be close to the kernel compilation date. IT should
> work. I don't complain, but what I can do. I am not sure about a
> diagnose, I think The packages are broken. But I'm not an expert and I
> don't want to make stupid appreciation on others people great work.

You're new to -current, then... If you can't deal with this yourself
in some way or other, you need to wait for new snapshot packages to
be built.

Packages don't appear instantly, there is always a time after any
library bump in base or X where the snapshot packages need an older
libSomething.so file. If you aren't tracking -current frequently
enough to have the old file in the correct arch on some system or
other, you get to either build from ports, or wait for new snaps.

> I can send the exact errors. It will be copy by hand, since my OBSD
> computer is almost not installed, without X.

If you're using any unix-like system, you should definitely learn
about redirection in the shell...

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