On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 21:34:00 -0700
Daniel Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The mechanism you seek is the route-to and reply-to. Kindly see this message 
> for an example:
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=120665186412690&w=2

Yes.  Thank you.


> As to the concern on redundancy, perhaps someone else will address it for you.
> ---------------
> On Tuesday 24 June 2008 08:29:08 pm Duncan Patton a Campbell wrote:
> > Dear List,
> >
> > I am trying to figure out if is is possible to route packets
> > through an OpenBSD firewall on the basis of the packet source.
> >
> > The situation is that I have two ISPs hooked up to a firewall
> > and would like to route traffic to these ISPs on the basis of
> > which NAT client (IP or mask) the traffic is coming from.
> >
> > Is this possible?  What mechanisms (pf... etc)?  I am also
> > hoping to work ifstated or something like it into the mess
> > so that if the normal route for a client fails the traffic
> > will go to the secondary connection.  Is this reasonable?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dhu

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