Hi all,

I am having issues setting up reverse zone for my domain.
We own only HALF or PART of the network instead of whole class C.

How should I write out the config in named.conf to reflect the reverse zone?

Lets say my network is

This is how I wrote my named.conf

zone "1/" {
                type master;
                file "reverse/1_25.1.168.192.in-addr.arpa";
                zone-statistics yes;

And my zone file:  1_25.1.168.192.in-addr.arpa

$TTL 2d
@ IN SOA ns1. admin. (
                                2008021602 ; serial
                                3600 ; refresh
                                3600 ; retry
                                2592000 ; expire
                                86400 ; minimum
1/ 300 IN NS ns1.mydns.com
2.1/          300             IN      PTR     

The problem is when I do : (for testing)

dig +short -x @localhost

I don't get anything back. I simply get the next line (prompt). I should get foobar.mydns.com

Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

Any help is highly appreciated.


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