On Monday 07 July 2008 09:50:07 Diana Eichert wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jul 2008, Rainel Roflo wrote:
> > Good day I have successfully installed comixwall 4.2 on my machine but
> > its default pf rules wil l not allow me to connect to internet but if
> > I'm going to disable it I can connect to the internet, here is my
> > pf.conf after installing comixwall.
> >
> > This is my first time installing OpenBSD and using pf as a firewall can
> > you help me setting up my pf rules.
> First let me say you haven't installed "OpenBSD", you installed something
> based on OpenBSD.  My initial comment is why don't you ask the comixwall
> builders?  Also, my opinion is you installed comixwall hoping it would
> be an easier solution than installing OpenBSD.  I think you NEED to
> read the OpenBSD documetation available on the main web page before you
> start posting here.
> Now that I'm done lecturing you.  You don't give us much to work with,
> several things would be useful to have:
> dmesg output
> output of pfctl -nvf /etc.pf.conf
> You would be better served to do a base install so you can develop an
> understanding of how OpenBSD works.  It is a wonderful / powerful tool.
> But as with most tools you need to have an understanding of how to use
> the tool.
> g.day

Beyond what Diana said, which was excellent, go and install OpenBSD.
The best that one of these clones can do is 1) not screw up, 2) Add
some feature which could likely have been added to OpenBSD.  You're
trusting the comixwall folks to do things *right*.  I'm not trying to
cast them in a bad light, but a certain amount of paranoia when doing
security stuff is a good thing.

Go get the real thing and learn that.

--STeve Andre'

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