Good afternoon!

In xenocara/MODULES file a "needs-update" entry, eg by neomagic,
can provoke errors, like PR pending/5836 [0]?
The PR in short:
  On i386 ThinkPad 600X (NeoMagic 256ZX NM2360) doesn't work 
  WindowMaker since 2008.04.10 (or before too, that was my first test
  after 4.3 RELEASE branch fork.)
  With 4.3 RELEASE works.
  The very odd thing: cwm, fvwm; and icewm from ports work.
  All application works, that I use.
  WindowMaker didn't change since 2007.09.15.

After branch fork in xenocara/MODULES file the neomagic has been
updated two times:
on 2008.03.19 from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 and on 2008.05.21 to 1.2.1.
In xenocara/driver/xf86-video-neomagic/ directory remained 1.1.1.
The "needs-update" appeared with 1.2.0.
Are they not in sync?
Is this rate major update?

Are the "needs-update" entries like as "public todo lists"?

Synopsis and Subject: wmaker on ThinkPad600X Fatal server error

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