On 2008-07-30, Jason Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ib m trying to protect our DNS server from the vulnerability referred to in:
>> CVE -2008-1447 and US-Cert Vulnerability Note VU#800113. I see that there is 
>> a
>> patch for BIND in 4.2 and 4.3 that addresses this vulnerability, but not for
>> 3.8.

Take a look through these:


You should make a clean installation of 4.3 or a -current snapshot
and reconfigure (named.root moved so don't just copy the old config
from /var/named/etc/named.conf, you need to merge the relevant

> It might be possible to backport the
> patches, but that is not something for the inexperienced/lighthearted.

It's not something for anyone, the experienced won't be patching
BIND on a 3.8 system either, they'd take the ~30 minutes to build
a new system. For someone who knows other unix-like OS but not
OpenBSD, maybe that's an hour or a bit more. For someone who
doesn't know any unix-like OS it's going to take longer, but
this sort of task is something people should be able to do for
any OS they're using on a name server.

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