Hi all,

I'm just curious how much of the developers or administrators of databases is
looking for some SW,which can be used for Logical modeling,Physical
modeling,Metamodel modeling,HTML/RTF reports,generating DDL,converstion
between databases,Reverse engeneering of databases and so on.

I'm asking due to my personal needs and maybe it will be usefull in talking
with management to make some changes toward more openess.

Something about our product you can find here
http://www.casestudio.com/enu/default.aspx ,
http://www.toadworld.com/Products/ToadDataModeler/tabid/342/Default.aspx and
here http://modeling.inside.quest.com/index.jspa

I'm using OpenBSD 4.3 on MS Virtual server for hosting MySQL and PostgreSQL
for tests,https server and sftp server.At home with Mandriva 2008.1 in
dualboot for desktop.

Some other tools,which are OSS or free available under Linux (don't know if
for BSD too) are Tora or new SQL Developer from Oracle under Java,but both of
them are ooposite for Toad for Oracle,not for our Toad Data Modeler.

Thanks a lot for your ideas,comments and answers

PS:Sorry for layout,but Outlook from MS Office 2007 don't know what is 80
character terminal :-)

Tomas Bodzar
Analyst 1,Quality Control
Ulehlova 267/5
700 30 Ostrava
Czech Republic (European Union)

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