Is anyone having issues between patched BIND and running out of file descriptors? I saw the thread at, but that's somewhat vague.

The problem: I deployed two OpenBSD 4.3 BIND servers to replace a complex series of Windows and other DNS servers on 7/26. The install included the 004 patch.

About 24 hours later, one of the servers (the primary) died. Named was still running, the server was still accepting connections on port 53, but never answering. This became a problem because several other servers continued to use the primary instead of the secondary because the primary was "answering" but timing out. Attempts to kill named were unsuccessful. Load average was near zero.

My first guess was that I ran out of file descriptors. An associate found some Linux documentation for BIND somewhere that suggested 16384 files. I've toyed with kern.maxfiles and login.conf, and I can't get the max files anywhere near that, which probably implies I don't want to.

So, my question is, how can I configure this box to avoid this problem? What is a reasonable kern.maxfiles for a moderately busy DNS caching resolver? Is errata 005 really the answer I'm looking for, even though I don't use IPv6?

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