
I use ip-based load balancing with carp on two-sided firewall, no nat, just routing and it works like this

internet ---> router --> ---> web server

I tried this setup with two and more firewalls, where 5.118 is ip address assigned to outer carp0 interface and router uses it for routing subnet 192.168.222/24 behind the firewall. Web server uses .222.189 as their default gateway and it is inner carp1 interface's address.

carp interfaces are configured like this in different firewalls (for example this is for one side, two-firewall setup)

inet carpnodes 1:100,2:0 balancing ip-stealth pass xxx carpdev em0 inet carpnodes 1:0,2:100 balancing ip-stealth pass xxx carpdev em0

To my mind everything works like a charm, i see packages on every interface and only one of them processes them. They get out at the other side and 'magically' routing is symmetrical, i.e. each firewall accepts from webserver answers for the packets it sent out. PF is enabled.

And here follows the problem part.

With this described setup i have one doubt which seems to be remedied easy in my case since i can ask person responsible for the router to do load balancing on incoming traffic. Namely, i guess in case traffic flood comes in, every firewall gets incoming packets, although every firewall but one ignores each of them. Still i suspect that under heavy network load it leaves its mark on firewalls' performance.

In the router it is possible to set up so to say src and dst address based hashed load-balancing (it is Juniper device) saying like this (5.116, 5.117 being firewalls' real outer ip addresses)

route next-hop [ ]

Now outer side of the firewalls doesnt have carp device configured any more and each physical firewall gets only its share of incoming packets, just as router decides to send them.

And inner side of the firewall still has carp1 device configured as webserver's default gateway.

The problem is that with this setup arises asymmetrical routing which i followed with tcpdump. If firewalls work with pf disabled (essentially as routers), traffic gets thru; but with it pf enabled it doesnt (in fact some wget's get answered but thats not obviously not enough). I believe it is possible to set up such a kind of pf.conf that works with asymmetrical traffic but the whole setup is then less balanced.

I am sorry for the long description but i wanted to be clear of what i succeeded to configure and where i sumbled onto the obsticle. Is there a way to say to kernel that it does some kind of so to say stickyness to returning packets in a way packets get back to the very firewall they left? I.e. the the whole picture would be similar to the working case described in the beginning except Juniper does the load balancing and OpenBSD working with one carp interface on the inner side offering webserver a default gateway.

Best regards,


PS As a somehow useable workaround would be not to use carp devices at all and to have packetes going to webserver nat'ed, but it has a drawback that webserver doesnt see any more their 'real' src addresses.

PPS OpenBSD is needed between router and webserver to filter and analyze traffic.

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