Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2008-08-29, Stephan A. Rickauer<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
Thanks, I'll have a look into it. Maybe you could send me canacar's
diff,  so I can test it while I'm on it. I'd definitely prefer pfflowd
over softflowd.

here you go; it's needed for kernels from after the network


I've been hoping someone would post such a patch for some time, so thanks for this, and canacar, if you're reading thanks for the patch.

That said, it seems[0] to be a pretty comprehensive patch, which fixes pfflowd and could well be a candidate for becoming pfflowd-0.8. I am aware that the original author, Damien Miller, is a dev, and is subscribed to the list. I do not doubt that there is a good reason he has not so far brought pfflowd up to date in the original tarball, and created pfflowd-0.8; I suspect this is mostly down to time, and I realise he probably has many better things to do. However, there may be other reasons, such as a lack of testing. As such:

Damien, is there any way, such as testing this or any other patches, that I might help you in bringing your version of pfflowd up to date? If testing, what tests other than compiling and running a patched version? I am a sysadmin rather than a coder, but I will happily do anything I can to assist you.

Dave Wilson.

[0] Although granted, what I know about programming could fit on the back of an envelope.

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