
Just my view as a beginner with this system (or BFU :-)).Using -current or 
following -stable is easy.I was trying following -current ,but found,that using 
snapshots is soooooo easy and that following -current is not really good idea 
for people like me,which are in phase of learning this system.

So now I use snapshots on my desktop at home and in Qemu.I have -release only 
in MS Virtual Server for some databases needed for testing.And this is not so 
important,so I can wait for next -release with upgrade.


-----Original Message-----

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Etienne Robillard

Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 5:15 AM

To: misc@openbsd.org

Subject: rtw0 is playing games with me (again)


I've reinstalled OpenBSD 4.3 from scratch and tried to set up networking with 
the rtw driver but I couldn't make it work with dhclient..

Is this a known issue ? I've updated /usr/src to a recent current tree but I'm 
stuck trying to compile the base system... :-)

I thought maybe rtw0 will work in 4.4-current, or perhaps the nic is damaged, 
but apparently it seem to work well with ifconfig, so I'm kinda clueless. Any 
pointers how to get rtw0 working in OpenBSD 4.3 would be kindly appreciated.




Etienne Robillard

Software Developer, Green Tea Hackers Club

Mobile phone number: 514-962-7703

Website: http://gthc.org/

Email: robillard.etienne (at) gmail.com

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