On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 01:52:05PM -0600, Carl Horne wrote:
> Some more info.  I downloaded version 3.9.8 of tcpdump from www.tcpdump.org
> and built it.  It gives the following error:

this will likey not work.  openbsd tcpdump is heavily modified from 
the upstream.  there are parts of this you will want (pf related)
which are not in the stock tcpdump.  i'd be very suprised if it 
is functional at all.

you should really upgrade to a supported version of openbsd, 
as others have suggested.


> # /usr/local/tcpdump/sbin/tcpdump -nttt -i bge0
> tcpdump: /dev/bpf10: No such file or directory
> When I look in /dev I see bpf0 through bpf9.
> Hope this helps.
> Thanks,
>      Carl

Christopher Linn <celinn at mtu.edu>  | By no means shall either the CEC
System Administrator II               | or MTU be held in any way liable
  Center for Experimental Computation | for any opinions or conjecture I
    Michigan Technological University | hold to or imply to hold herein.

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