On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 03:46:26AM -0600, Anathae Townsend wrote:
| As I have a number of local boxes (NAS development box, File server box,
| firewall) and would like to follow either -stable or -current on any or all
| of them, I have used CVSync to grab a copy of the OpenBSD CVS tree.
| Here's my problem. I don't know how to add the user 'anoncvs' to allow no
| password access to the cvs on the server 'rowena' from the client 'jenny'.
| I figured out that there is no 'cvs server' program, just ssh or (heaven and
| the divine bit forbid) rsh.
| Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Googling for 'setting up an anoncvs server' or 'anoncvs openbsd' is
what you should've done. Both searches yield a perfectly matching
first hit. Read that document top to bottom and you can help yourself.

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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