Juan Miscaro wrote:
Why not set up a user (ex: bigguy) and then force his uid and gid to
be 0 and 0 with vipw?  Give that user a nice coloured bash prompt and
set up directories in his home.  This way you get a customized
superuser while keeping the real root environment pristine.

Other than generating duplicate user number error reports from the nightly security check, the generally bad idea of duplicate user numbers, creating confusion and ambiguity that doesn't need to be there, the likelihood that you will have forgot the 'root' password when you need it and being a really silly way to solve a completely non-problem? No reason at all.

Why not switch the keycaps around on your keyboard?
Why not wear mis-matched shoes?
(those are bad examples, I can come up with justifications for doing them...)

Some people are really convinced their feet need holes. The (non)problem doesn't justify your solution -- and the real problems it would create.


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