On 09:41, Sat 03 Jan 09, Daniel A. Ramaley wrote:
> Hello. I have what is hopefully a quick question. Has anyone 
> successfully run OpenBSD 4.4 in a virtualized environment? If so, which 
> one? I've been trying to get it to run within VirtualBox 2.1 with 
> limited success. (OpenBSD will install, but trying to compile software 
> results in a crash.)

Running OpenBSD under VirtualBox is not stable at all.
I have good experience running OpenBSD under xen, kvm and vmware-server.

At the moment kvm is the way we do it now.
Run Ubuntu 8.10 on the host, dont run anything in it but kvm.

Just make sure that once you have the vm created and installed you add a
line to the config so it uses the e1000 nic instead of the rtl that
gives timeouts.
The kvm documentation on their website also gives this advise and a
sample how to do it.

> It is *not* my intention to revive the discussion about how much 
> insecurity a virtual environment adds[1]. I'm aware of the risks. I 
> plan on using virtualized OpenBSD purely for testing and building 
> -release that i can then push out to my production servers. The 
> production servers of course run OpenBSD on bare hardware.

I have two build vms running on my home kvm server, one to compile and
create releases for amd64 and one for x86.


Michiel van Baak
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x71C946BD

"Why is it drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?"

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