Dieter wrote:
What are the chances of getting a port of ZFS to OpenBSD? I can't quite bring myself to run solaris since it lacks so much of what I love about OpenBSD and Linux is back to square one because of the reasons I moved to OpenBSD.

Have you ruled out FreeBSD?

Why are so many people so hot for ZFS?  From what little I've read
about it, it sounds very complex, which means bugs and a nasty learning
curve.  Not something I'm interested in trusting my data to.

Then again, you give the zfs a name, and throw it a list of raw devices and you can have that filesystem 'newfs'ed, writeable, nfsexported and running in a more than usual fault-tolerant raided mode in mere seconds regardless of size.

Some admins value that. (except the nfs part, but it's optional)

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