Hey Predrag,

On 17-Jan-2009 Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> Aron Tsu that Opera was locking on bsd.mp. 

Thanks for the reference: this was my reply, and I still encounter it.

> In my experience this is more systematic problem. In the past couple
> of weeks, I installed several different linux binaries. Locks, hangs,
> even a core dumps were regularly occuring on bsd.mp kernel while
> applications were running rock solidly on bsd kernel. Unfortunatelly,
> I do not have a fix but at least I wanted to share my experience with
> the community.

I have actually tried another application the other day built on Linux. 
I compared the results of FreeBSD emulation with the Linux ones, and
while I could not figure how to get the Motif stuff working in FreeBSD,
I did manage to get things working satsifactorily in Linux.

I was testing a commercial Motif application, and it worked very well
and very reliably. I have not had any crashes, but have had some font
searching problems.  Do you happen to have a list of programs that are
not working well for you?

Aaron W. Hsu <arcf...@sacrideo.us> | <http://www.sacrideo.us>
"Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to
live at the expense of everybody else." -- Frederic Bastiat
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