Dear Chairman Ben S. Bernanke,

  All of Our Economic Problems Find They Root in the Existence of Credit. Out
of the $5,000,000,000,000 bail out money given out to the banks,
 $1000 for every inhabitant of this planet, what is it exactly thatB We, The
People, got?B  If my bank doesn't pay back its credit how come I have to pay
 If my bank gets 0.00% loans, how come I don't? At the same time, everyday,
some of us are losing their home or even their jobs.
 Credit discriminates against people of lower economic classes,
 As such it is unconstitutional, isn't it? It is an supra national stealth
weapon of class struggle. Credit is a predatory practice. When the predator
eats up all his preys he starves to death.
 What did you expect? Where are you exactly in that food chain? Credit gets in
the way of all the principles of both equal opportunity and free market.
Credit is a Stealth Weapon of Mass Destruction.  Credit is Mathematically
Inept, Morally Unacceptable. You Bail Them Out, We Opt Out. We Want Some TARP!
My Solution: The Credit Free, Free Market Economy. Both Dynamic on the Short
Run & Stable on the Long Run.  I am, Hence, Leading the Exit Out of Credit.
Opting Out Is Both Free and Strictly Anonymous. Let me Outline for You my
Proposed Strategy:  bB My Prescription to Preserve Our Belongings.  b Our
Property Title: Our Free, Strictly Anonymous Right to Opt Out of Credit.  b
Our Credit Free Money: The Dinar-Shekel AKA The DaSh, Symbol: - .  b Assets
Transfer - Our Right Grant Operation - Our Wealth Multiplier- Our Liquidity
TARP.  b A Specific Application of Employment, Interest and Money
 [A Tract Intended For my Fellows Economists]. If Risk Free Interest Rates Are
at 0.00% Doesn't That Mean That Credit is Already Worthless? Since credit
based currencies are managed by setting short-term interest rates,
 on which control have been all but lost, are they still managed?
  % We Need, Hence, Cancel All Interest Bearing Debt and Abolish Interest
Bearing Credit. % In This Age of Turbulence The People Wants an Exit Out of
 An Adventure in a New World Economic Order.

The only other option would be to wait till most of the productive assets of
the economy get physically destroyed either by war or by rust.

It will be either awfully deadly or dramatically long.

A price none of us can afford to pay.

  bThe current crisis can be overcome only by developing a sense of common
 The alternative to a new international order is chaos."

 - Henry A. Kissinger
  What Else? You Bail Them Out, We Opt Out.   Check out How Many of Us Are
Already on Their Way to Opt Out of Credit.  Till We Succeed The Economy Will
Necessarily Keep Sinking Into a Deeper and Deeper DepressionIf You Don't Opt
Out Now, When Will You?

 Let me provide you with a link to my press release for my open letter to
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke:

 Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, Quantitative [Ooops! I Meant Credit] Easing Can't

 I am, Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, Yours Sincerely,

 Shalom P. Hamou AKA 'MC-Shalom'
 Chief Economist - Master Conductor
 1 7 7 6 - Annuit CEptis
 Tel: +972 54 441-7640
 Fax: +972 3 741-0824

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