Description of your setup was not very detailed.

Assuming that
a) you have one box at home,
b) you want to run a webserver on it,
c) have no redirection possibility on the other side of your providers
d) you are using pf.

If you do not want to change your httpd setup to port 8080 you might
want to try something like this in your /etc/pf.conf:

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 8080 -> \
($ext_if) port 80


You might want to read the section labelled "Redirection and Packet
Filtering" to avoid filtering issues.

> My box is on verizon's fios, and the dhcp address can change ever
> hour.  They also block incoming 80.  I am looking at having httpd
> listen on 8080 or using relayd, so was just poking around.  Thanks.

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