hi folks,
after several useless attempts to get this running, i decided to ask for help.
I am running 4.4 on my Lenovo T61 Laptop with X11 installed and gnome
as desktop environment.
Both are running fine, the only thing is I am missing the horizontal
scrolling function of my touchpad, that scrolls your documents by just
moving your finger along the right edge of your touchpad.

I found some advisories for Linux saying:
add the following lines to your Xorg.conf

 Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Touchpad"

Option  "VertTwoFingerScroll"   "1"
Option  "HorizTwoFingerScroll"  "1"

As X11 runs in my case without an Xorg.conf file, I created one myself
and added the lines shown above.
Now X11 crashed and I am insecure if this is the right way of getting
nearer to my goal.
Has Somebody successfully used edge scrolling or is this impossible
because of gnome?

Thank you in advance


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