In my grandfather's attic (RIP) I unearthed one of these:

which in a nutshell is a paper terminal which runs at 300 baud.

I figured it could be fun to set it up as a serial console on one of my
machines, and maybe useful if I left it tailing logfiles to a hard copy
or perhaps using it for a machine I have which keeps PANICing

So I edited the line in /etc/ttys for tty00 to be:

tty00   "/usr/libexec/getty std.300"    vt100 on

and now (after some init HUPing) I get a login prompt, and it takes my
username. When I try and give it a password however, it turns off echo,
but it never seems to notice the carriage return. It just sits there. If
I send a break, it wakes up and says login incorrect, so it's not
completely died.

It's not worth expending any time or effort over, but I thought maybe
someone might be able to say Ha! You need hardware flow control! or

I just thought it might be cool to be able to come in in the morning an
tear off a list of errors from last night :-)


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