I am curious to know how well OpenBGPD handles the BGP update dynamics as
described in this Cisco RFP.




This is assuming running OpenBGPD with full tables over gig ethernet
connections and on a modern hardware (multi gigahertz CPU and multi
gigabytes of RAM + intel gigE nics). Are there any general concerns or
issues with BGP updates causing performance issues on the system?
Compatibility problems with any hardware vendors' BGP implementations? Etc



>From my reading it seems that all normal/standard BGP functionality is
present if not enhanced (bgp session key management, etc) in OpenBGPD and
that performance is comparable to expensive Cisco grade router hardware and
the user testimonials look pretty good too.
http://www.openbgpd.org/users.html. Are there any features or functionality
that anyone has found lacking in OpenBGPD?


Thanks for your time

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