On 02/08/2009 08:23:44 PM, Ariane van der Steldt wrote:
On Sun, Feb 01, 2009 at 10:07:49PM -0600, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
> I seem to have a problem where 4.4 hangs writing to swap.

Chances are its fixed in -current.

I just upgraded to a snapshot and the problem seems
to have gone away.  Thanks.

Can you point me to the fix or some other reference
so I could tell what other systems might be affected?

(FWIW, I just had a panic on a similar 4.4 box. It could
be totally unrelated.  I noticed that the named
total memory seems to keep going up even though
I've limited the max-cache-size.  It may eventually
be filling up swap.)

Karl <k...@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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