On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 13:36:16 +0000
Andreas Kahari <andreas.kah...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Will disabling apmd solve this issue?  I'm seeing freezes on my Lenovo
> X61s. The machine was stable for a few weeks (or so) until Theo backed
> out that backed-out commit on acpicpu.c on Monday (23rd).
> Andreas

Try building kernel from -current.
The backout of the backout is backed-out again, uhm here is the commit:

> CVSROOT:      /cvs
> Module name:  src
> Changes by:   dera...@cvs.openbsd.org 2009/02/24 06:20:03
> Modified files:
>       sys/arch/amd64/amd64: est.c 
>       sys/dev/acpi   : acpicpu.c 
> Log message:
> back out est.c 1.8 and bring acpicpu.c all the way back to 1.47 because of
> hanging machines.  backed out correctly this time, as pointed out by tedu.

This leads to

cpu0: unknown Enhanced SpeedStep CPU, msr 0x0617091f0600091f
cpu0: using only highest and lowest power states
cpu0: Enhanced SpeedStep 2400 MHz (1196 mV): speeds: 2400, 1600 MHz

on my Thinkpad X200. Thats not quite right as expected, scince this
removes some month of changes in this area.
But the system didn't crash so far. I prefer that.

- Robert

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