In a real world for small non-profits,
in many cases, its what was left over or donated, so
question one, does the softraid, bioctl, have to much
heartburn if the drives are not the same geometry...
I've always used matching drives for raid of anytype,
but even $60*2 for two drives is a stretch for some nonprofits these days

And the next question in the subject, thinking
about which mounted partition changes the most frequently
through the day that would be /var
The others, /usr for example don't change as much and
could be rsync or tgz nightly...or weekly....
however... perhaps /home and /tmp, but definitely /var.
could change significantly during the day.....
For example the log files, /var/mail, /var/mysql
and so on are active.  I wander about /var/mysql
and ldap being on a softraid.?

How insane would it be to use the new softraid features
for all of /var  ....
to make a mirror raid 1 of say 3 drives and then dump
and restore the orig. /var to that softraid and change /etc/fstab
for /var to use it?

Of note, as I understand (might not documented in man yet)
if one or two of the three raid1 partitions making the volume fails,
it will keep running but cannot be rebuilt...
To 'rebuild' means dumping the volume, in this case /var with
say 'dump' may be best over pax/tar and then making
anew a softraid and restoring the dump.

But what happens if the computer reboots with say the third
drive missing the power cable? and it runs for a day or so,
then tech reboots with molex plug put back it? does the
softraid catch the third drive up?  This is something
I guess I could test myself, just asking.


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