On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 07:18:59PM +0200, irix wrote:
| Hello Paul,
|   The problem is that, I am not an administrator of the network.
|  I  am a client of the network. The network is built on the unmanaged 
|  ISP  to the problem do not care, so interested in this patch.

As has been pointed out by myself and numerous others by now, this is
the way things are on ethernet. There's one thing you can do, and that
is check the key fingerprint before logging in through SSH.

Otherwise, your options are all network based. Get a vlan or get a new
ISP that understands these issues and is prepared to deal with them.

| May you help with patch on OpenBSD ?

No. As I said in my previous mail, this is the wrong way to go. Feel
free to break your own system in any way you like; you get to keep all
the pieces. Just don't come here for support if you do, though.

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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