2009/3/11 patric conant <mirage.comput...@gmail.com>:

> I've repeatedly been in a position where we weren't making direct use
> of OpenBSD, but were using OpenSSH, and if there were a recurring cost
> associated with it (like purchasing a semi-annual CD) it would have
> been relatively painless to get a rubber stamp approval of such a
> cost, whereas purchasing an OS we weren't using would've been a much
> more difficult sell. Since there is already regular ssh art, (that
> could be used for the next several releases), how much further
> effort/money would it take to release OpenSSH on CD? Also of the
> people on misc@ how many would think they'd have an easier time
> convincing bosses/clients/others to buy a single CD for say $25 then
> they would getting an OS purchased. Just a thought, for these trying
> economic times and whatnot.

I can't speak for the devs, Theo, @misc or anyone except myself and my
personal experiences with having a custom CD created but I'd bet my
experiences aren't too different from what Theo and the core team have
to deal with.

When we looked into it for something else, we had to order a set
number before anyone would even agree to print/press/package. All of
that gets paid out of pocket with the hopes that you can move the
product. If it doesn't sell in a reasonable time then it has suddenly
become outdated and an unnecessary waste if your sales do not cover at
least the physical costs and the man-hours of effort put into it.

Colour me skeptical or pessimistic but I'd wager it's Just Not Worth
It to package/print/sell OpenSSH discs. You can always donate to the
project, though. Methods of payment are available at



Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even
if chequered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who
neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey
twilight that knows not victory or defeat.

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