Hi all,

I'm interested in logging packets that hit the max-src-states rule
or even better put the source IPs in a table like in overload.

set block-policy drop
set optimization aggressive
block in
pass out keep state

pass in quick on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port $my_server flags S/SA
keep state (source-track rule, max-src-states 30, max-src-conn 30, overload
<abusive_hosts> flush global)

I'm the middle of a ddos attack with a vast amount of unfinished tcp syn connections from a vast amount of IPs. I want to keep track of the source IPs of the attackers,
even they might be spoofed.

Also any other idea I could mitigate the attack? The machine is old and it is being exhausted
and it starts dropping active/established connections.


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