Martin SchrC6der wrote, sometime around 06/04/09 10:01:
2009/4/3, Marc Runkel <>:
Trying to set up munin work with OpenBSD and was wondering if anyone had some
 plugins pre-written?  In particular interface statistics but I'll take just
 about anything.

Good luck. AFAIK there's a freebsd port, try that. And there are some
plugins for pf at

Munin can collect from SNMP, which makes life a LOT easier!

OK, so that's not so useful if you want to collect some stats which OpenBSD's snmpd doesn't expose but assuming you do, this is what you need to do:

munin-node can act as a proxy, forwarding requests to another box. This is handy if you want to monitor a bunch of hosts the other side of a firewall as you only need to punch a hole for the one machines. It can also do act as a munin-to-snmp one way bridge, forwarding incoming requests on to another node that speaks SNMP.

Install munin-node somewhere (I installed it on a Debian box that I run munin on, which is also where I collect all syslog messages and run logcheck and nagios).

Check that the box running munin-node can talk SNMP to OpenBSD:

This works well enough for me as a test:
$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c <community> <address of obsd box>

Run munin-node-configure-snmp - you can pass either a single address or a CIDR range. It will scan for SNMP and configure any plugins which can monitor the stats it finds.

Configure munin-node to allow connections from the host running munin


echo 'allow ^10\.0\.0\.1$' >> /etc/munin/munin-node.conf

where is the IP address of the box running munin (the one which collects stats from all the nodes and draws graphs)

Restart munin-node

Wait for the pretty graphs to appear

Debug, rejoice and go on an SNMP configuring rampage across your network (hint: this is useful for monitoring Windows boxes, if you have any of those).

Russell Howe, IT Manager. <>
BMT Marine & Offshore Surveys Ltd.

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