
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Jose P.G <rayl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My questions are REAL, i haven't read the faq carefully, i only
> seek for help (more fast, i think).
On this mailing list it is considered rude to ask for help without
showing you actually spend time trying to solve the problem yourself.
Why would you assume that people want to help you this way?

> REALLY, i don't understand, when i was learning about Linux Debian i was
> doing the same questions (though Linux is more easy for beginners), why this
> mailing list is different? I repeat, i don't understand why i have to be a
> troll.
People try to help you by pointing you to the FAQ. You refuse to
follow this advise and keep asking for more help. If you think you
know better, why do you waste time asking questions?

> "Thank you".

Floor Terra <flo...@gmail.com>
www: http://brobding.mine.nu/

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