On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 08:43:16PM +0200, Thomas Pfaff wrote:

> So, I finally got Internet access over Bluetooth to my Nokia 6233
> working.  Here's a short summary of the steps taken (this assumes
> a properly configured phone).

Cool, this might indeed help other people struggling with this. I have
a few comments inline.

> Make sure your Bluetooth device is recognized by OpenBSD:
>    $ dmesg | grep ubt
>    ubt0 at uhub4 port 1 "Micro Star International Bluetooth" \
>    rev 2.00/32.64 addr 2
> Install the bluetooth-tools package.  This provides, among
> other things, btconfig, btpin and rfcomm_sppd.
> Bring the Bluetooth interface up and verify that you're able
> to detect your phone:
>    $ sudo btconfig ubt0 up
>    bthub0 at ubt0 00:21:85:b2:51:41
>    $ btconfig ubt0 inquiry
>    Device Discovery from device: ubt0 .... 1 response
>      1: bdaddr 00:1d:e9:e5:ad:01 (phone)
>       : name "Nokia 6233"
>       : class: [0x5a0204] Cellular Phone <Networking> <Capturing> <Object 
> Transfer>
>            <Telephony>
>       : page scan rep mode 0x01
>       : clock offset 27997
> Add the bdaddr to /etc/bluetooth/hosts so you don't have to
> type in the address each time you want to refer to your phone:
>    $ sudo echo "00:1d:e9:e5:ad:01 phone" >> /etc/bluetooth/hosts

I don't think you tested the above command. Hint: the redirect is not
done as root. 

> Start bthcid(8), generate a pin using btpin(1) and connect to
> your phones' Dial Up Networking (DUN) service using rfcomm_sppd(1).
>    $ sudo /usr/local/sbin/bthcid
>    $ btpin -a phone -r -l 4
>    PIN: 2701
>    $ rfcomm_sppd -d ubt0 -a phone -s DUN
> You should receive a question on your phone if you want to accept
> the connection and then type in the PIN generated above.  You
> should now be able to communicate with your phone:
>    rfcomm_sppd[16519]: Starting on stdio...
>    AT
>    OK
>    ATI3
>    Nokia 6233
>    OK
> Now that we know this works, we can attach this to a pty:
>    $ rfcomm_sppd -d ubt0 -a phone -s DUN -t /dev/ttyp0
>    $
> Create a ppp interface and connect using pppd(8) [1]
>    $ sudo ifconfig ppp0 create
>    $ pppd call netcom
>    $ ifconfig ppp0
>    ppp0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>            priority: 0
>            groups: ppp
>            inet --> netmask 0xff000000
> (fancy IP address ;-)).  Now check the routing table:
>    $ netstat -rnf inet | grep default
>    default             UG         0        0     -    56 
> ppp0
> I've no idea what the name servers are supposed to be, so I
> just started a local one and pointed /etc/resolv.conf at it;

not very nice, better find out what the actual nameservers are. I
believe ppp has some way to tell the client, see the ppp man page.

>    $ sudo /usr/sbin/named
>    $ sudo echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
> We're on!
>    $ ping -c 4 www.google.com
>    PING www.l.google.com ( 56 data bytes
>    64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=237 time=640.756 ms
>    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=237 time=595.876 ms
>    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=237 time=619.887 ms
>    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=237 time=645.883 ms
>    --- www.l.google.com ping statistics ---
>    4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
>    round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 595.876/625.600/645.883/19.746 ms
> [1] My option file and chat script is as follows (you probably have
>     to modify this):
>     $ cat /etc/ppp/peers/netcom  # probably don't need all this poop
>     /dev/ttypz
>     115200
>     local
>     debug
>     #crtscts
>     nodetach
>     noipdefault
>     defaultroute
>     lock
>     novj
>     nobsdcomp
>     novjccomp
>     nopcomp
>     noaccomp
>     noauth
>     connect '/usr/sbin/chat -f /etc/ppp/peers/chat/umts.netcom'
>     $ cat /etc/ppp/peers/chat/umts.netcom
>     TIMEOUT           5
>     ECHO              ON
>     ABORT             '\nBUSY\r'
>     ABORT             '\nERROR\r'
>     ABORT             '\nNO ANSWER\r'
>     ABORT             '\nNO DIAL TONE\r'
>     ABORT             '\nNO DIALTONE\r'
>     ABORT             '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r'
>     ''                        \rAT
>     TIMEOUT           30
>     OK                        ATD*99#
>     TIMEOUT           10
>     CONNECT           ""


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