Hello there,

today i bought a Samsung Laptop Drive, 160GB, Model Number is HM160HC. It came in a anti-static plastic bag together with a little leaflet. Usually i don't read those, but today i did, and came across the following paragraph:

"Hybrid Disk Drive products are licensed for use only on devices that deploy the Windows VISTA Operating System as their principal operating System. If you or any other party install(s) an operating system on the computing device that is not Windows Vista, the use of this Hybrid Disk Drive may require an additional license from Microsoft.
For further information, please contact Microsoft."

Hybrid Disk Drives contain an Area of Flash Memory that help Windows to boot faster. They are mentioned here:


Now, i checked everywhere, and it seems that my HM160HC Drive is not a Hybrid Disk Drive, but i am not quite sure. Maybe they throw in the same little leaflet into all their Drives Packagings.

Should it not say on the outside Packaging if i am only allowed to install certain pieces of Software on it, and no others? I would never buy such a Product if i knew. Its not clear whether this Drive is or is not affected by that license paragraph after looking on their Website.

Before, when i went to buy a new Laptop, i would simply check whether there was enough Support for my favorite OS, but now it seems, i also must check that the license of certain Components do not bind me to a certain Operating System. I think they need a Sticker with 'Windows only' or so, so Consumers see what they buy.

Anyhow, i thought its interesting, and maybe others should be careful what they buy in the future, or at least read the little leaflets carefully and ask the *possibly clueless* shop assistant about the Products inside the Laptop. Could be that you buy the 'wolf in sheep's clothing'.


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