Hi Folks,

I recently upgraded a 4.4 system to 4.5. I followed the Upgrade Guide, not using
sysmerge.  The upgrade went more-or-less ok.  After that, I wanted to install
the five patches on the 4.5 errata page.

I copied src.tar.gz and sys.tar.gz (for v4.5) from a mirror, unpacked them in
/usr/src, applied the first patch (libssl) and my make failed at some point with
errors.  I removed the /usr/src tree, and created it again from scratch.

I tried the make again (without applying patch) and it failed again, so I
concluded I need to sync with CVS.  This seems weird.  I would have thought the
src/sys tars would be clean...

I updated the tree from CVS using:

        cd /usr/src && cvs up -r OPENBSD_4_5_BASE -Pd

as documented in release(8).

I repeated my attempt to make libssl, which was successful.  I applied the rest
of the patches, (aucat and 3 kernel patches), built a new kernel (GENERIC.MP),
installed it, and rebooted.

First I had to figure out that /sbin/ifconfig was hosed and rebuilt it. (it got
hosed/installed when I did the "make install" for /usr/src/sbin after building
libssl. I'm not sure why.)

Now I get the following messages at boot (10 repetitions):

 sysctl: fourth level name dad_pending in net.inet6.ip6.dad_pending is invalid

which is in the v4.5 /etc/netstart script.  According to a mail from Stuard
Henderson, this means my kernel and userland are out of sync.  It's not clear to
me how this could be, as /etc/netstart is v4.5 and the src/sys sources I used 

Can someone shed some light on this problem?


Rob Urban

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