From:  Stuart Henderson
> I just added the address assigned to me into hostname.pppoe0:

> inet6 2001:4b10:1002:ff::1 64
> !/sbin/route add -inet6 default 2001:4b10:1002:ff::1

Hi Stuart.
Thanks for all the help.

I am curious, in pppoe(4) this example is given:
           inet NONE \
                   pppoedev ne0 authproto pap \
                   authname 'testcaller' authkey 'donttell' up
           !/sbin/route add default -ifp pppoe0
So the destination wildcard is used as the route entry.
You have used the IP6 address assigned to your interface rather than
the remote IP6 address.
I must be missing something. Can you shine a light on that for me?

Also, considering my ISP is very reticent (for whatever reason) to
provide support for IPv6 do you have any idea of the wildcards for
Getting IP addresses out of them is proving problematic. I suspect
they are ready but haven't got to the point for large scale
implementation. I would rather suck it and see than get support mail
referring me to Wikipedia.

Best wishes.

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