Feifei (7I7I) wrote:
> Hi, guys,
> I just install the OpenBSD 4.5, but my grub configuration can't boot it.
> Before that, I use OpenBSD 4.2, it is a new installation, not upgrade.
> It works well with the OpenBSD 4.2,
> But , if I use it to boot 4.5, I only get a error :
> Starting up ...
> Loading ...

man biosboot
will tell you what the error means.
http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html will show you how
the boot process works.  I'm going to assume you read that
before I expect you to understand this:

short version: the PBR read something, but it wasn't /boot.

I'm not a grub expert, but obviously the PBR you are running
isn't the one that OpenBSD put into place.  Some boot loaders
do silly things like store a copy of the real PBR somewhere
they think is cool, and when you reinstall the OS, the stored
PBR doesn't get replaced when the real one is.  So now you have
the old PBR reading ...something other than /boot

If you replace your grub boot loader with a normal MBR and flag
the OpenBSD partition as active, I bet the system will boot just

Alternatively, do whatever voodoo you need to do to tell grub
there is a new PBR for it to use.


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