On Thursday 07 May 2009 12:30:25 LEVAI Daniel wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to display an applet which will show me my battery status
> in KDE3. I noticed that in Ksystemguard the acpi tree is totally
> missing, so I tried KControl/Power Control/Laptop Battery:
> It says on the configuration page, that "Other error opening APM
> control device /dev/apmctl". I thought that apmd(8) is using that
> device, so I killed it, but still I couldn't make the Battery Monitor
> start.
> Is it possible to make KDE's battery monitor work, or is there any
> other monitor application that will integrate into a standard
> freedesktop system-tray?

Make sure that your user have write access to mentioned /dev/apmctl. By 
default, only root can write to it.

It's some sort of unsecure advice, though. :( But on the personal 
notebook, IMHO, it's acceptable.

  Best wishes,
    Vadim Zhukov

A: Because it messes up the way people read text.
Q: Why is a top-posting such a bad thing?

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