On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Helmut Schneider <jumpe...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> gf4o2m$lc...@ger.gmane.org (openbsd.bugs, 08.11.2008)
> I started the thread above when I upgraded from 4.3 to 4.4 and I never
> recieved a reply. Now with 4.5 the problem still persists and is very
> frustrating:
> [r...@ns3 ~]# export
> PKG_PATH="ftp://openbsd.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/pub/OpenBSD/$(uname
> -r)/packages/$(uname -m)"
> [r...@ns3 ~]# pkg_add -ui
> Error from
> ftp://openbsd.informatik.uni-erlangen.de//pub/OpenBSD/4.5/packages/i386/:
> ftp: Error retrieving file: 502 Bad Gateway
> No packages available in the PKG_PATH
> Looking for updates: complete
> Cannot find updates for bzip2-1.0.5 cvsup-16.1hp0-no_x11 cyrus-sasl-2.1.22p4
> expiretable-0.6 gettext-0.17 gtar-1.20 libdnet-1.10p2 libiconv-1.12
> lua-5.1.3 lzma-4.32.6 nagios-plugins-1.4.11 ncftp-3.2.1 net-snmp-5.4.2p1
> nmap-4.76 pcre-7.7p0 pftop-0.7p0 pkg-list postfix-2.5.3-sasl2 screen-4.0.3p1
> sh-utils-2.0p0
> Proceed? [y/N]
> [r...@ns3 ~]#
> The problem is the extra "/" after the server name, fetch fails. I am highly
> frustrated. Really. Any suggestions? It sucks to copy all ports to the local
> disk to update ports.

Have you tried another ftp mirror?

> Thanks, Helmut
> --
> No Swen today, my love has gone away
> My mailbox stands for lorn, a symbol of the dawn

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