bsduser bsduser wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a pentium-pro 100 MHz laying around.

I'm not even going to try helping you with the specifics when you
provide blatant misinformation like that.  (see the specs of available
PPro systems..bottom end was 150MHz)

> To make use of it, I wanted to
> install openbsd 3.4 on it (openbsd 3.4 because that
> was the distro that I have).

this is also nonsense.  3.4 is so far past unsupported, you are nuts to
consider using it.  Download 4.5 and enjoy.

IF that doesn't work for you, use a serial console to capture what you
REALLY have and what is really happening, and let us see that.

Until you know the machine and what you are doing with it, I'd suggest
sticking to booting off wd0a, rather than trying to boot off a second

Also...32M would be about the minimum amount of RAM you would want to
install on at the moment.  If you don't have much of a scrap pile, you
may have difficulty expanding old machines to the useful minimum.


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