On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Jacob L. Leifman<jac...@bitwise.net> wrote:
> On 6 Jun 2009 at 12:11, Donald Allen wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Lars Nooden<lars.cura...@gmail.com>
>> > Can't the legacy system be modified to work with FFS or EXT2?
>> Hi --
>> Are you addressing that question to me? If so, I'm really not sure I
>> understand your question. What do you mean by "the legacy system"? If
>> so, are you suggesting that perhaps XP can be modified to work with
>> FFS or ext2? The answer to that, I believe, is "no". While proudly not
>> a Windows expert, I believe XP supports only Microsoft filesystems --
>> ntfs, fat and fat32.
> It is common to use the term "legacy system" to refer to proprietary OS
> including/especially Micro$oft Windows. And since I learned more than I
> ever cared about Windows XP, it _can_ be made to support much more than
> what is provided by Microsoft. In particular, there are a few stable
> and open source drivers to allow XP to access Linux ext2/3 filesystems.
> There is also a FOSS driver for FFS but it has not been updated in a
> long time and in my experience did not work too well with OpenBSD.

Thanks. I was unaware of those filesystem drivers and that usage of
the term "legacy" (which I usually think of as referring to something
from the past and, unfortunately, Windows exists in the present --
Webster: "1. A gift by will esp. of money or other personal property;
2. Something received from an ancestor, a predecessor, or from the
past"), though I knew that it was possible (I have a vague
recollection that Cutler built Windows NT on some Unix-ey, perhaps
micro-kernel thing -- Mach?). But knowing that wouldn't change my
approach to this issue -- I wouldn't trust some random third-party
driver for Windows to be writing in my FFS filesystem. If I were going
to do this with one machine, which at this point I'm not, I'd build an
OpenBSD kernel, mount the ntfs partition read-only (which I guess is
my only choice) and copy the files from Windows with OpenBSD. I'd
certainly trust OpenBSD a heck of a lot more to

a. not scribble junk in the ntfs partition that was mounted ro, and
b. to write the stuff correctly in the FFS filesystem.


>> As I said in my previous post, pscp and another machine present a
>> simple workaround for this issue. I've got multiple machines, I rsync
>> my home directory from one to the other  when I have occasion to use
>> something other than my primary machine, and so it's a simple matter
>> to pscp file from the Windows filesystem to another machine running
>> OpenBSD or Linux (which I run on my old TP 600x, on which OpenBSD
>> doesn't fare too well, discussed in an earlier thread). This is needed
>> very rarely (typically only when I travel and get on the network via
>> wifi, which I do with Windows, just because it's easier) and so it's
>> probably not worth bothering to build a kernel to add ntfs support.
>> /Don
>> >
>> > -Lars

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