On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 01:27:41 +0200, ropers wrote:

>2009/6/11 OsRider <gen...@md.pikara.ne.jp>:
>> http://nakajin.dyndns.org/sparc64.html .
>Looking at that page and its HTML source, it appears that
>OpenOffice.org now is everything that was wrong with MS Office ten
>years ago.

No tool (I've seen) forces wonderful html nor tragic html.

I've used OO.o (much earlier version) at a customer site to do some
work on their website because I had nothing else readily available.

The output was nothing like that example.

Have a look at webpagesthatsuck.com and see how badly the pros do it
with pro tools...

That said, back in my office I use a plain text editor to write html.


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