On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:59 PM, Wayne M. Scace<k9di_...@k9di.org> wrote:
>      *YES!!!!
> I've got OpenBSD 4.5 installed on an older box that is earmarked as a
> Firewall/NAT box.  I've added a regular user account and pkg_add'd some
> packages of CLI apps that I prefer to use.  I must say, the install process
> was a LOT less painful than the last time I attempted to tinker with
> OpenBSD.
>   Have a great weekend!!
> Sincerely and Respectfully Yours,

Cool! What's the box (dmesg?)? Is it cheap? Is it fast? I have a
WRT-DD install but it always lags out my connections for some reason
(perhaps because the NAT is full) and I would like to be able to run
OpenBSD on it so I could actually tweak things.


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