2009/7/20 Leonardo Rodrigues <leonardov...@gmail.com>:

> For information... http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Jul/0279.html

I wondered how long it would take for someone to ask about that either
in misc@ or po...@.

I'll believe there is something to release when something gets
released or the OpenSSH devs say "oh, wait, there's a problem..."

Until then I'm treating anything from that poster (anti-sec) as FUD and SPAM.


To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that
of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others,
who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is
to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, bthe
guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the
fruits acquired by it.'

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