On 7/29/09, Alexander Hall <ha...@openbsd.org> wrote:
>> ps people do need to relax and take it easy indeed (emotionally that is)
>> :-)
> People dislike having to dig through tons of crap like this in their
> inbox. You are just fucking annoying and if you keep this up you should
> not expect ever getting any help from anyone on the list.
> For everyones sake, just drop it.

So far, I was relpying to comments directed back to me (i.e. I was not
trying to continue conversation other than responding to comments that
people decided to post back).

If people really hated to dig through this, the best way would have
been not to reply/engage in responses in the first place -- esp. when
the vast majority of such engagements was not of any logical content
but rather full of nonsensical name-calling. Then the whole chain of
"reply-with-some-intent" vs "reply-with-hissy-fits" would have been
broken long ago.

However, I think you are correct -- I don't think there is any point
or hope in further trying  to extract any logical responses from this
so-called conversation which has been been deteriorated to a series of
farcical outbursts by some participants who insist on having the
last-right-of-reply and combining such with an emotionally-unbalanced

I will stop now -- congratulations and, as I'd expect no less, feel
free to exercise your right of last-reply with yet another
emotionally-charged outburst :-)

Peace out, and really please do take it easy.


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