Paul de Weerd wrote:

tcpdump(8) will tell you a lot, I suppose ;) I guess the best way to
make sure the account is not compromised is talking to your user and
asking him if he can explain what is going on. Again, my current guess
is TCP forwarding, but it could be a lot of other things too. Ask your
user and see if he knows about this.

I can't as of now (weekend).

But I can see it reoccurring, kind of:
Aug 21 18:31:25 mybox sshd[31888]: Accepted password for isuser from XXX.XX.XX.XX port 57519 ssh2
in authlog, reflected pretty well by
isuser  ttyp0              Fri Aug 21 18:31 - 18:31  (00:00)
in 'last'; though still busy sending stuff forth and back:
isuser 16994  0.0  0.8  3176  1992 ??  S      6:31PM    0:00.13 sshd: isuser

There are a bunch of logons of that user, of 00:00 logon duration during the last weeks. The only thing running from this user at this moment is the ssh. That would mean, one can log on, spawn a process, log off, and the process keeps running? Then everything could be 'fine', and the system not compromised, only exploited to run some ssh-tunnel or so.
Though this behaviour of the system would be unexpected by myself.


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