From: "Edd Barrett" <>
I have located someone willing to sell me an X41 tablet at a very
affordable price, however this is the model with the sucky hitachi
a) Is there anywhere you can get SSD's for cheaper than 100GBP. I only
really need 60GB or so.
b) Any other comments?
Unless the price is very, very good I wouldn't bother with the X41. If it's not out of warranty it will be so within a month or two.

Go for an X60 or X61 instead. With an X61 you'll get a Core2Duo, VT support, 8GB memory support and an SATA disk. Plus it's easily possible to find one still in warranty until 2010 onwards. Only an idiot buys a laptop without a warranty, except when it's staggeringly cheap.

If you must persist with the X41, buy a big compact flash and IDE->CF adaptor. It will be faster than the horrid 1.8" PATA hard drive. There are articles on this online.

I went down this route last December. The choice was an X31/X32 at 100GBP or less (no warranty), an X41 at 200GBPish or an X60 or X61 from 400 upwards. My rationale was to go for broke. At 200GBPish, you can afford a new netbook which will be as fast (but not as well built) as the X41 and have a warranty. OK, so 400GBP is quite a jump, but for that you can find an X61 on ebay with a warranty and modern support.

The only thing that sucks about it is the X3100 graphics, but you're buying a sub notebook, not a gaming laptop.


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