Dear Friend,

As children go back to school this month, a new year of classes has begun. For 
many children this means advancing to a higher level grade, getting new clothes 
and new school supplies. Children living in poverty often do not have this 
luxury and need your help to stay in school. Money is an important factor which 
provides the means to an education for these children. When a child's family 
does not have enough money to meet their basic needs, the little money they 
have is often spent on food and shelter, rather than school. Sometimes, these 
children must work jobs or consider early matrimony instead of going to school. 
Older children may drop out of school to work rather than pursuing college.  

Did you know that only 38% of Afghan children complete primary education?(Atlas 
of Millenium Development Goals, 2008) In Indonesia, there are nearly three 
million children in the labor force, many of them in dangerous occupations. 
(UNICEF, 2008) 
This year, while you are shopping for your own kids for school or college, 
please consider sponsoring a less fortunate child to help them with the cost of 
school supplies. Your generosity will enable a child to continue his or her 
education. Every child deserves an opportunity for a bright future. 

Sponsor a Child

Donate to the Back to School Fund

A Field Trip to Summer Camp

Recently, twenty-five college students in Child Foundation's sponsorship 
program had the opportunity to take a four day recreational field trip to a 
summer camp in the Chaloos region of Iran near the Caspian Sea. This trip was 
made possible by the generosity of Child Foundation sponsors and donors, along 
with Kamraani Institute, who offered the use of their summer camp for the trip. 
For some of the participating students, this was the first time they had 
visited the Caspian Sea.

After the students arrived at the camp, they enjoyed making potluck dinners at 
poolside, building a fire and listening to music. At the end of the night, the 
group surprised one of the students with a decorated graduation cake they had 
made for her. All the students enjoyed this special trip and took a lot of 
memorable pictures.

Children of Prison Photos

Last month, we received several requests for more information regarding the 
children of prison story featured in the August newsletter. Here are some 
delightful photos from the children's field trip to Mo'allem Educational Camp. 
For more details on this story, visit our website page, Latest News.

Increase a Gift with Matching Funds

You can easily double or triple your gift through Child Foundation's Matching 
Gift Program, which is a great opportunity to make your dollars go further. 
Your $100 donation to Child Foundation could become $200 or more without any 
additional cost to you. Many companies match the generosity of their employees 
with their own donation. Companies such as Microsoft, AT&T, and Google have 
chosen to donate to Child Foundation. Ask your company today if they offer a 
matching gift program. 

Learn more about matching gift funds


Upcoming Events

Join us for these upcoming events:

October 1: 11:00 AM- 1:00 PM, Hearts and Hands Together, IBM Beaverton, 15400 
SW Koll Parkway, Beaverton, OR

October 3-4, 1:00 PM: Mehregan Celebration at Irvine Great Park, Hanger 244, 
Perimeter Rd. and Marine Way- Irvine, CA

This two-day event brings the sights, sounds and tastes of Ancient Persia to 
Orange County. The festival will feature Persian arts/crafts, dance, 
traditional music and food. No charge for admission.

Did You Know?

Did you know that the illiteracy rate in Afghanistan is 57% for males and 86% 
for females? (Wikipedia, 2008)

Sponsor an Afghan child today
Volunteers Needed

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? Volunteering is a great way to 
serve children in need. We are currently in need of the following volunteers:

-Translators (translate Persian to English)

-Grant writers

-Social Networking specialists

-Event fundraisers

Child Foundation volunteers are eligible to earn a Presidential Service Award. 

Learn more about volunteering


***Food Gift Baskets For Families*** 

During the fall season, consider donating a food gift basket for a family in 
need. Food baskets cost $45 and will feed a family for a week or more. Each 
basket contains food staples such as rice, pasta, tea, oil, nuts and sugar. 

Donate a food basket today!

. Who We Are

. Donate to a Program

.Other Ways to Donate


Child Foundation is recognized by the following organizations:

Purchase a gift card and support a child in need! The pictures on the cover of 
each card were created by children under Child Foundation's care.  [Buy Card 

Child Foundation is proud to announce a new partnership with Artistic Hub. 
Artistic Hub has donated their design and services by creating a custom 
storefront on This will provide a new revenue stream for Child 
Foundation through on-demand products. We now have over one hundred items 
showing our logo that supporters can purchase. Child Foundation receives 25% of 
each purchase, and we are excited to add this as a fund-raising tool. Click 
here to visit our new gift shop.

Contact Us

Tel: 503.698.4084

Mail: PO Box 463 . Portland, OR 97207

Help a child in need by forwarding this eNewsletter to a friend or family 

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