try a make clean first?

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Chris <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using obsd4.5, following current.  I installed php5 using ports.
> I realized that I forgot to include something in the compile options.
> I went back to add it, and now it won't reinstall.
> I added "--enable-mbstring" to the compile flags in the make file.  I
> then execute a "make install"  It does nothing.  Just gives me back my
> prompt.  So I uninstall the existing php "make uninstall".  I cleaned
> up all the files it told me to, then I try a "make install" and I get
> this:
> # make install
> ===>  Installing php5-core-5.2.10 from /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/
> Can't install php5-core-5.2.10 because of conflicts
> (partial-php5-core-5.2.10)
> /usr/sbin/pkg_add: php5-core-5.2.10:Fatal error
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/www/php5/core (line 1457 of
> /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/
> I tried doing "make clean && make config && make build && make
> install" and it still doesn't work.
> Nothing I try will get this thing to install again!  It takes like 3
> hours to compile here, and I'm losing a lot of time I don't have.
> Can someone give me a hand?
> Thanks.
> Chris

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