Do you mean tmux commands or typing?
I mean typing.
There is no way to specify multiple panes/windows/anything to a single tmux
command at the moment. You can do most things with a shell script though.

A few people have suggested some abilities along the lines of omnitty or
clusterssh but I'm not sure it is a good idea, or of the best way to do it
right now.
What I want to achieve here is that, for example i have 4 servers. I
created one window, split it to 4 panes, and want to send all the
commands that I will do to all 4 panes in the same time. So i'm
typing in one pane and the input goes to the other 3 panes as well.

Do You see this kind of behaviour going in to tmux?
Maybe. It wouldn't be hard to have a window flag to make it echo all input to
every pane that is part of a window, but at the moment it isn't there. I'll
have a look at it at some time probably.
This would be great Nicholas! I'm looking forward to testing this.

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