On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 06:36:21AM -0500, Marcus Booth wrote:
> Using 4.6 stable.
> I'm having trouble installing on an Intel dual core with Intel motherboard.
> I've tried installing both AMD64 and i386
>  versions with the same problem.  My initial installation completes just
> fine.  At the reboot (when booting off of the
> hard drive) the kernel messages get just past a line that includes "Intel
> 82801GB SMBus" and then I just start
> getting a bunch addresses and values "21=ff 22=ff 23=ff" and so on for an
> entire screen.  The system hangs and
> won't boot at that point.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to capture a
> dmesg from a hung system like that.  I do
> however have photos of the dmesg if anyone wants to take a peek.
> I have installed OBSD many times on many systems since 3.0 and never had a
> problem.  Just for grins I installed
> on a quad core system with a Gigabyte mobo this morning and it went
> perfectly.  I also installed a linux distro on
> the dual core and it went fine.  Do I have an incompatible mobo or
> processor?  If someone could throw me
> a pointer or suggestion it would be appreciated.
> If it helps at all, the motherboars is an Intel BOXD975XBX2KR.  Processor is
> an Intel Dual Core E5200.
> Thanks,
> MB

Try to disable the usual suspects, acpi and/or [oeu]hci

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